Timber Home Napa Valley
This timber home is a bitter sweet project for us. We were brought in to help these homeowners rebuild after the 2021 Napa Fires. We love helping homeowners build or remodel their homes, and fire re-builds pull at our heart strings even more because of all the loss that has happened. We tried our very best to do everything we could to facilitate the fastest permitting process that was possible, coordinating and following up with all the moving parts (civil engineering/soil engineers/sprinklers/ and title 24 energy consultants) and acting as owner agent when we could.
One thing I love about working with Timberlyne Post and Beam is how fast the timber framing goes up once permits are issued and the timber package is delivered. This can really fast track the framing portion of a project.

This home is set on 40+ acres in Napa Valley. During construction a pile of stone was collected and later used as the stone walls and veneer on exterior of the home as seen below.

We have worked with Timberlyne on over a dozen homes throughout California. They provide all the exterior drawings and details, and JLM Designs provide all the non-structural interior details for the project (including drafting of additional interior pages to create a submittal set suitable for California permits). We understand the post and beam product so well, it makes construction a breeze with minor revisions needed.

Click here to read more about the interior process.